I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy at UC Davis, working at the intersection of environmental economics and climate science. My research seeks to improve our understanding of the economic and social impacts of climate change and to better understand our ability to adapt to those impacts. To do this I combine econometric analysis, experimental approaches, climate model output, and economic modeling. I am currently also serving as the Hurlstone Presidential Chair in the Department of Environmental Science and Policy and am a UC Davis Chancellor’s Fellow.

I post on Blue Sky @ClimateFran about climate change, economics, and science. Contact me at fmoore at ucdavis dot edu.

For the 2022-2023 academic year I was on leave from Davis working as a senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers. While at CEA I worked on:

  • Chapter 9 of the 2023 Economic Report of the President on climate costs to the US and the economics of Federal adaptation policy
  • A White Paper on the integration of climate risks into macroeconomic forecasting for the President’s Budget

Some recent writing and coverage:

Two pieces for Briefing Book:

  1. One on IRA hydrogen tax credits and the challenge of lifecycle emissions accounting in settings with partial and general equilibrium responses
  2. One on growing losses from natural disasters in the US, challenges for property insurance markets, and policy solutions

A Resources Radio interview on my time at CEA

Volts podcast with David Roberts on modeling the climate-social system and the social cost of carbon

Nature News and Views on likely emissions pathways over the 21st century with Zeke Hausfather

Carbon Brief guest post and Resources Radio interview on recent Nature paper

Priorities for calculating the social cost of carbon for Nature

A long-form interview on Adam Sobel’s podcast Deep Convection

Thoughts on the past, present and future of climate change economics for Nature Climate Change

Exciting Lab Group News:

Indu Roychowdhury (PhD student in the Geography Graduate Group) was awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in 2023

Bernie Bastien (PhD Geography, 2022) was awarded the Kinsella Memorial Prize for his dissertation integrating the ecological damages from climate change into climate-economic modeling