• Bernardo Bastien-Olvera, Marc N. Conte, Xiaoli Dong, Tania Briceno, David Bakter, Johannes Emmerling, Massimo Tavoni, Francesco Granella and Frances C. Moore, 2024, “Unequal Climate Impacts on Global Values of Natural Capital”, Nature, 625, pp. 722-727, doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06769-z
    • Press release here
    • Replication code here
  • Flavio Lehner, Ed Hawkins, Rowan Sutton, Angeline G. Pendergrass, and Frances C. Moore, 2023, “New Potential to Reduce Uncertainty in Regional Climate Projections by Combining Physical and Socio-Economic Constraints”, AGU Advances, 4, e2023AV000887, doi:/10.1029/2023AV000887
  • Brian Beckage, Frances C. Moore, and Katherine Lacasse, 2022, “Incorporating Human Behavior into Earth System Modeling”, Nature Human Behavior, 6, pp. 1493-1502.
  • Bernardo Bastien-Olvera and Frances C. Moore, 2022, “Climate Impacts on Natural Capital: Consequences for the Social Cost of Carbon”, Annual Review of Resource Economics, 14, pp. 512-532.
  • Kevin Rennert, Frank Errickson, Brian Prest, Lisa Rennels, Richard G. Newell, William Pizer, Cora Kingdon, Jordan Wingenroth, Roger Cooke, Bryan Parthum, David Smith, Kevin Cromar, Delavane Diaz, Frances C. Moore, Ulrick K. Muller, Richard. Plevin, Adrian E. Raftery, Hana Sevcikova, Hannah Sheets, James H. Stock, Tammy Tan, Mark Watson, Tony Wong, and David Anthoff, 2022, “Comprehensive New Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2”, Nature.
  • Bernardo Bastien-Olvera, Francesco Granella and Frances C. Moore, 2022, “Persistent Effect of Temperature on GDP Identified from Lower Frequency Temperature Variability,” Environmental Research Letters, 7 (8), doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac82c2
  • Frances C. Moore, Katherine Lacasse, Katharine J. Mach, Yoon Ah Shin, Louis J. Gross, and Brian Beckage, 2022, “Determinants of Emissions Pathways in the Coupled Climate-Social System”, Nature, 603, 103-111, doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04423-8
  • Frances C. Moore, Arianna Stokes, Marc Conte, and Xiaoli Dong, 2022, “Noah’s Ark on Rising Seas: Climate Change, Biodiversity Loss and Public Adaptation Costs in the United States”, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
  • R. Daniel Bressler, Frances C. Moore, Kevin Rennert, and David Anthoff, 2021, “Estimating Country-Level Mortality Damage Functions”, Scientific Reports, 11, 20282, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-99156-5
  • Tatyana Deryugina, Frances C. Moore, and Richard Tol, 2021, “Environmental Applications of the Coase Theorem”, Environmental Science and Policy, 120, 81-88.
  • Jesus Gonzalez, Amir AghaKouchak, Morgan C. Levy, Yue Qin, Jennifer Burney, Steven J. Davis, and Frances C. Moore, 2021, “Adaptive Benefits of Agricultural Water Markets in California”, Environmental Research Letters, 16, 044036.
  • Cicero Z. de Lima, Jonathan R. Buzan, Frances C. Moore, Uris L. C. Baldos, Matthew Huber, and Thomas Hertel, 2021, “Heat Stress on Agricultural Workers Exacerbates Crop Impacts of Climate Change”, Environmental Research Letters, 16 (4), 044020.
  • Bernie Bastien-Olvera and Frances C. Moore, 2021, “Use and Non-Use Value of Nature and the Social Cost of Carbon”, Nature Sustainability, doi: 10.1038/s41893-020-00615-0
    • Code for GreenDICE model here
    • UC Davis press release here and coverage in Yale Climate Connections here
    • News and Views by Matthew Agarwala and Diana Conte here
  • Jesus Gonzalez and Frances C. Moore, 2020, “Intertemporal Arbitrage of Water and Long-Term Agricultural Investments: Drought, Groundwater Banking, and Perennial Cropping Decisions in California”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/ajae.12123
  • Chaopeng Hong, Nathan Mueller, Jennifer Burney, Yang Zhang, Amir AghaKouchak, Frances C. Moore, Yue Qin, Dan Tong, and Steven J. Davis, 2020, “Impacts of Ozone and Climate Change on California Perennial Crops”, Nature Food, 1¸166-172, doi: 10.1038/s43016-020-0043-8
  • Sabbie Miller and Frances C. Moore, 2020, “Climate and Health Damages of Global Concrete Production”, Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/ws41558-020-0733-0
  • Charles Kolstad and Frances C. Moore, 2020, “Estimating the Economic Impacts of Climate Change Using Weather Observations”, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 1-25, doi: 10.1093/reep/rez024
  • Lindsey L. Sloat, Steven J. Davis, James Gerber, Frances C. Moore, Deepak Ray, Paul C. West, and Nathaniel D. Mueller, 2020, “Climate Adaptation by Crop Migration”, Nature Communications, 11, 1243, doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-15076-4
  • Frances C. Moore and Nick Obradovich, 2020, “Using Remarkability to Define Coastal Flooding Thresholds”, Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-13935-3
  • Uris Baldos, Thomas Hertel, and Frances C. Moore, 2019, “Understanding the Spatial Distribution of Welfare Impacts of Global Warming on Agriculture and Its Drivers”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 101, vol. 5, 1455-1472, doi:10.1093/ajae/aaz027
  • Frances C. Moore, Nick Obradovich, Flavio Lehner, and Patrick Baylis, 2019, “Rapidly Declining Remarkability of Temperature Anomalies May Obscure Public Perception of Climate Change”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, vol. 11, 4905-4910.
  • Frances C. Moore, James Rising, Niklas Lollo, Cecilia Springer, Valeri Vasquez, Alex Dolginow, Chris Hope, and David Anthoff, 2018, “Mimi-PAGE: An Open-Source Implementation of the PAGE09 Integrated Assessment Model”, Scientific Data,  doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.187
    • Code and documentation of Mimi-PAGE here
    • Paper replication code here
  • Frances C. Moore, Uris Baldos, Thomas Hertel and Delavane Diaz, 2017, “New Science of Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture Imply Higher Social Cost of Carbon,” Nature Communications, 8, doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-01792-x
    • Press release here
    • Press coverage from E&E News
    • Blog post here
    • Related data:
      • Gridded yield changes for wheat, rice, maize, and soy at 1, 2, and 3 degrees of global warming and temperature response coefficients and uncertainties here
      • Welfare changes from yield shocks for 140 GTAP regions here and here
  • Delavane Diaz and Frances C. Moore, 2017, “Quantifying the Economic Risks of Climate Change”, Nature Climate Change7, 774-782.
  • Frances C. Moore, 2017, “Learning, Adaptation, and Weather in a Changing Climate”, Climate Change Economics,  8, vol.4, doi: 10.1142/S2010007817500105
  • Frances C. Moore, Uris Baldos, and Thomas Hertel, 2017, “Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture: A Comparison of Process-Based and Statistical Yield Models”, Environmental Research Letters, 12, vol. 6, 065008, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa6eb2
  • Frances C. Moore and David B. Lobell, 2015, “The Fingerprint of Climate Trends on European Crop Yields”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1409606112
    • Press release here.
  • Frances C. Moore and Delavane B. Diaz, 2015, “Temperature Impacts on Economic Growth Warrant Stringent Mitigation Policy”, Nature Climate Change, 5, 127-131.
  • Frances C. Moore, Justin Mankin, and Austin Becker, 2015, “Challenges in Integrating the Climate and Social Sciences for Studies of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation,” in Climate Cultures: Anthropological Perspectives on Climate Change, Jessica Barnes and Michael Dove, eds.,Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, pp. 169-195.
  • Frances C. Moore and David B. Lobell, 2014, “The Adaptation Potential of European Agriculture in Response to Climate Change”, Nature Climate Change, 4, 610-614.
    • Press release here.
  • Frances C. Moore, 2012, “Negotiating Adaptation: Norm Selection and Hybridization in International Climate Negotiations,” Global Environmental Politics, 12, vol.4, 30-48.
  • Frances C. Moore, 2012. “Costing Adaptation: Revealing Tensions in the Normative Basis of Adaptation Policy in Adaptation Cost Estimates”, Journal of Science, Technology and Human Values, 37, vol. 2, 171-198.
  • Frances C. Moore and Michael C. MacCracken, 2011. “Short-Lived Greenhouse Gases and Climate Fairness”, in China’s Responsibility for Climate Change: Ethics, Fairness and Environmental Policy, Paul G. Harris, ed., Bristol, UK: The Policy Press, pp 145-170.
  • Frances C. Moore, 2011. “Toppling the Tripod: Sustainable Development, Constructive Ambiguity and the Environmental Challenge”, Consilience: The Journal of Sustainable Development, 5, vol. 1, 141-150.
  • Frances C. Moore, 2010. “‘Doing Adaptation: The Construction of Adaptive Capacity and its Function in the International Climate Negotiations,” St Antony’s International Review, 6 vol. 2, 66-88.
  • Frances C. Moore, 2009. “Climate Change and Air Pollution: Exploring the Synergies and Potential for Mitigation in Developing Countries,” Sustainability, 1, 43-54.
  • Frances C. Moore and Michael C. MacCracken, 2009. “Lifetime-Leveraging: An Approach to Achieving International Agreement and Effective Climate Protection Using Mitigation of Short-Lived Greenhouse Gases,” International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 1, 42-62.
  • Michael C. MacCracken, Frances Moore, and John C. Topping, Jr., eds., Sudden and Disruptive Climate Change: Estimating the Real Risks and How We Can Avoid Them, London: Earthscan Publications, 2008.